Week One
Hey everyone, I'm still alive and so much has already happened within this first week. Rainy days, bear stories, poisonous spider bites, blisters, and meeting people from all over.
I've hiked about 60 miles so far and after yesterday's long haul of 16 miles I'm taking a much needed break for my feet at "The Top of Georgia Hostel". A wonderful refuge from the elements with a hot shower, laundry, hot tea, a gear shakedown and an awesome presentation on how to make it to Maine from the owner, "Sir-Packs A Lot".
Talking with all the thru hikers on the trail it seems we all have something in common, we're in a state of transition and walking a really long distance was the answer.
Thanks again for all the comments, messages, and support. I know on those tough days I'll be thinking of all of you that have my back.
I'll probably be posting about once a week as service is unreliable in the mountains. Happy trails!